Behind the Scenes of "The Endless Summer" In the early 1960s, Bruce Brown had a dream of capturing the essence of the surfing lifestyle on film. His desire was to create a movie that would showcase the...
10 Classic Surf Movies You Need to Watch Endless Summer (1966) Endless Summer is a documentary-style movie that follows two surfers, Mike Hynson and Robert August, as they travel the world in search of the perfect wave. The...
25 Helpful Tips for Beginner Surfers Surfing is a magical sport that offers an unparalleled experience of being one with the ocean. It is a challenging sport that requires skill, patience, and a lot of practice....
The Ultimate Guide to Surfing Slang: From A to Z These are just a few examples of the many slang terms used in the world of surfing. Many of them have regional variations, and some are used more frequently than...
10 Surfing Slang Terms Every Surfer Should Know Surfing has a rich culture and vocabulary that includes many unique slang words and phrases. Some of the most common and interesting slang words used in the world of surfing...
The Most Important Surfing Gear for Beginners: 7 Essential Items If you are new to surfing or considering trying it, it's likely that you don't yet own a surfboard. This is perfectly normal, as most beginners choose to rent or...